Associate Professor Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi


A summary of assignments successfully conducted

Aug 2021 to date: Gender Specialist: Capacity Building Support for the Enhancing Lead Firm Structures for Youth Employment Project at PSFU – by KPMG

Aug to Oct. 2021: Gender Expert: Gender training and Development of UWESO Culture policy/handbook and tools for culture, gender and disability issues – by KPMG.

Nov. 22 – 29, 2014 – Gender Trainer: Inter-generational Gender Training for the International Criminal Court (ICC) staff at The Hague, Netherlands.

Nov. 2011 – Trainer: Gender Training for the GIZ staffGender Mainstreaming in Development projects and programmes and gender budgeting for German Cooperation staff in the different sectors – from Uganda, Rwanda and Southern Sudan.

Nov 2009 – Trainer: Gender, Culture and Sexuality – Capacity building of Young Women in Leadership skills organised by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE).

Feb 2010 – Trainer: Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Nairobi) project beneficiaries – in Naivasha, Kenya

Jan 2009 – Trainer: Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Nairobi) project beneficiaries – in Kampala, Uganda

Oct – Nov 2008 – Trainer: Gender Mainstreaming in National Development Plan – Conducted a gender training for Government and Civil Society Officials for sectors: Agriculture; Education and Sports; Health; water, environment and sanitation; Justice, Law and order; and Social protection sector.

Jan 2008Trainer: Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Nairobi) project beneficiaries in Dakar, Senegal

1997 – Trainer, Action for Development (ACFODE) Family Life Education (FLE) for parents, teachers and students in Kampala and rural primary schools in Luwero and Rukungiri districts

2014/2015       Developed a Strategy for Ending Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy in Uganda – for the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development supported by UNICEF

May 2012         Developed a strategy for Mainstreaming Gender and Equity Issues into Road Construction and Maintenance for The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)

Sep 2010 –        Development of a Gender Policy for the Friends of the Earth Africa (FOEA).

 2009                 Developed a gender mainstreaming guideline for integrating gender into the University curriculum – for Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda

2009                  Developed a Gender Training Manual for Gender mainstreaming in Climate Change in Africa – for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Nairobi

 Apr 2000         Participated in developing of the Gender Budget Training manual at FOWODE

 1999/2000      Participated in developing a Referendum civic education training manuals with other organisations and the Electoral Commission