Dr. Brenda Boonabaana
Capacity building courses in Gender and Agriculture research Designed and delivered over 20 interdisciplinary gender and agricultural capacity development courses (16 under the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) international gender and Agriculture capacity development Programme and 4 by other organisations/projects) and mentored over 10 Interdisciplinary gender and agricultural research teams across Africa, to be gender responsive in their research processes and outcomes. These have also culminated into key gender and agriculture publications, training manuals and tools (see details in the CV), and below, see an outline of the courses co-designed and delivered; 1. Trainer Consultant: Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Mainstreaming Gender in Agricultural Research and Technology Development for the National Agricultural Research Organization [Uganda] staff, (28th April 2022), Funded by USAID through the National Agricultural Research organization (Uganda) Sessions: Gender issues in agricultural value chains highlighting local examples; Gender analysis and planning for research interventions (planning cycle); Frameworks and tools for integrating/reporting gender in agricultural research; Gender responsive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): An overview 2. Trainer Consultant: Capacity building in gender responsive research and Technology development for the National Agricultural Research Laboratory (NARL) Feed the Future (FtF) project implementing partners (22-23 November, 2021), Funded by USAID through the National Agricultural Research organization (Uganda) Sessions: Key gender concepts relevant in agricultural technology development and adoption; Gender issues in agricultural value chains; gender-responsive seed system; Frameworks and tools for integrating gender in agricultural research; Gender responsive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): An overview 3. Trainer Consultant: UN Women East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) – Senior Staff and Program Team (October, 2020), Funded by UN Women Sessions: Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) i.e Foundational Introduction to (i) the Reach, Benefit and Empower Framework and to (ii) IFPRI’s PRO-WEAI 4. Trainer and Mentor Coordinator: Designed and delivered about 10 courses between 2016-2021 focused on Gender responsive plant breeding, under the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT), an international gender and agriculture capacity programme managed by Cornell and Makerere Universities, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I was also a member of the curriculum design team for the GREAT courses, through this period, and have co-authored a Gender and Plant Breeding training Manual with the GREAT co-PIs (manuscript in in press, with CABI publishers), to be out for public use by the end of this year (2022). Sessions delivered across the GREAT courses: Women empowerment; project specific Women empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI); Gender Concepts; Gender Transformative Approaches; Gender responsive Qualitative Research; and Gender-responsive Programme Design; and applying a gender lens to programs and organizational structures, work and communication. GREAT courses delivered below; 4.1 Trainer Consultant: Advanced Gender Responsive Plant breeding (18th-22nd, 25-28th October & 1st-4th November, 2021), Virtual, Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme 4.2 Trainer Consultant: Gender sensitization course for The African Seed Access Index (TASAI), September, 21-23, 2021 4.3. Trainer Consultant: Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) & the Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement (ILCI) Gender and agricultural research Webinar series delivered to scientists working in the various Centres of Innovation in Haiti, CostaRica, Uganda, Malawi and Senegal. (3rd August, 2021 & 24th August, 2021), Funded by USAID through Cornell University’s ILCI programme 4.4. Trainer Consultant: Gender-responsive Plant breeding, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Scientists (S.E.Asia) (17th – 20th & 24th-27th May, 2021), Virtual: Funded by IRRI, Asia. 4.5. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive Crop Breeding (8th-16th March, 2021 & 18th-22nd March, 2021) (Virtual): Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme 4.6. Trainer Consultant: Gender sensitization for the Peanut Innovation Lab (10-12, March 2020, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by the University of Georgia, USA, through the GREAT Programme 4.7. Trainer Consultant: Gender Responsive Approaches in Legume Breeding Programs in Southern Africa (12th, 13th & 16th November, 2020), Funded by the USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research 4.8. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive plant breeding (22-31 July, 2019 & 13-17 Jan. 2020, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme 4.9. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive plant breeding course Afor the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Africa Scientists (11–16, Nov. 2019, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by IRRI through the GREAT programme. 4.10. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive plant breeding for Environmental Institute for Agricultural Research (INERA) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 7-12, Oct.2019, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme. 4.11. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive legumes breeding, under the Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (23 July-1, Aug. 2018 & 14-18, Jan. 2019, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme: 4.12. Trainer Consultant: Gender-responsive Legumes breeding for Tropical Legumes III project of the CGIAR (26 Nov.–1, Dec. 2018, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by ICRISAT, Nairobi though the GREAT programme 4.13. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive cereal grains breeding (7-16, Aug. 2017 & 15-19, Jan. 2018, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme 4.14. Trainer Consultant: Gender responsive Roots Tubers and Banana breeding (12-21, Sept. 2016 & 13-17 Feb, 2017, Kampala, Uganda), Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through the GREAT Programme 5. Trainer Consultant: NutriFish Project implemented by the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries, Makerere University College of Natural Sciences, Kampala, Uganda (4TH– 7TH Nov., 2019, Kampala, Uganda), (Funded by IDRC/ACIAR, CULTIAF2). Sessions: Training in gender and pro-WEAI for the project implementation and research teams focused on Women Empowerment, “Reach, Benefit and Empower” framework, and the Project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (Pro-WEAI). 6. Trainer Consultant: Women empowerment and the “Reach, Benefit and Empower” framework for a team of participants from five regions of Africa (East Africa, South Africa, North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa), Virtual, (29th July, 2021), Funded by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Bonn, Germany. Selected Research projects in gender and agriculture successfully implemented
http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/uganda-human-development-report-2015 |